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[PKM] Why other Obsidian setups don't work for me

·362 words·2 mins

I keep looking at videos every now and then about how other people are using Obsidian, and while their setup looks amazing, I don’t think that it would work for me. For multiple reasons.

What works for them might not work for you #

Obsidian has been made to give the user the power to customise their own editor and interface, with the ability to have custom plugins being added so that things don’t get really messy for them.

I see a lot of people being over-reliant on some community plugins that if for some reason the maintainer decides to monetise their plugin, or just stop updating it at all, then the plugin is dead and a lot of the notes and work is no longer accessible and would take a lot of time for everything to be done the way it was before.

This did happen to me when I exported everything from Notion to Obsidian, a lot of the stuff I had made there were broken, all my tags and notes have been lost, and no longer organised the way I had them .

Templates! Templates! Temp… ah what’s the point? #

Sure it’s great to have templates to make things easier and you have a starting point when you want to write something new and are in a hurry, but for me, if I need to have a quick thought being written down, I just go on a quick note and write it. I couldn’t care less about how my note would look like, as my mind has been automatically programmed on a way for things to be written.

And let’s be honest, for me not one note is the same as the other unless it is a daily note, and that already has its own template built into Obsidian.

I love simplicity #

Applications like Obsidian have a tendency to become overcomplicated due to the ability to be over-customized. As this is just an application that I am using for markdown writing, I really don’t want to be working on something that would bind me.

So keeping a simple interface would help me write more easily my points and my thoughts.