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[Personal] My 2021 in some words

·534 words·3 mins

If I could summarize 2021, it would be that it taught me to take more risks, to let go and to get out of my comfort zone

Taking a risk #

2021 was a pivotal year in my life. A lot of changes and plans that I had been putting off for years have happened so spontaneously. I finally got to leave the country that I spent all of my life living in, while the downside of it is me having to leave my family and go on with my adult life (better late than never), I learned a lot from this experience.

July 15th 2021 was the day that I moved from Lebanon to Istanbul, after spending a year and a half in my hometown working from there. When I arrived here, I didn’t know what I was expecting, first few days were really anxiety inducing for me as I was going house hunting and couldn’t find the house that I was really looking for due to all of the good ones that I was looking for being either unavailable to foreigners or taken.

I finally got to find the house that I am currently living in, at first it looked to be that I am taking a risk that I might be regretting later on, but looking back on that it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Getting out of my comfort zone #

In Lebanon, I have always been known to be some kind of a loner and an introvert. One of the biggest challenges that I faced here was to try and go out from my own bubble, my own comfort zone, I became more outgoing, having a better social life than I had in Lebanon.

I also started trying to talk more to strangers, I met a lot of people that I learned a lot from, just by having some chats with them, it really changed my perspective on life.

Love, Heartbreak and Letting go #

March 26, 2021 was the day that I met someone who I thought was going be a huge part of my life. Things went smoothly and fast for us, we were starting to think more seriously about our relationship, call me an idiot but I really thought that she was the one for me.

Days started going by and with us becoming more and more close, I was starting to have my doubts, I started hesitating multiple times before going to meet her, we had our first fight when I asked if we can slow down, as things are going too fast for us, and we went our separate ways.

Luckily, I was surrounded by family and some great friends who helped me get over the heartbreak and made me realize that I should be letting go.

A look at 2022 #

Although we are now almost done with the first quarter of 2022, I couldn’t go on without writing this post.

2021 was a really pivotal year for me and 2022 will be no different. I am hoping to take all that my years on this earth have taught me and use them to become a better human being, and to always advance.