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[Golang] Creating a Password/Secret Generator

·420 words·2 mins

in order to practice me working on Golang, I decided to start writing some small scripts that would I would probably be using every once in a while. One of them is a Password/Secret Generator. The code will be shown below.

How it works? #

The project is just a 73 lines of code function that’s run in the CLI with some flags being passed to that command. With the flags being:

  • length and that would have the length of the string that we want to generate. by default it’s 12.
  • upper indicating that the string should have Uppercase letters, this is enabled by default
  • lower indicating that the string should have lowercase letters, this is enabled by default
  • digits indicating that the string should have numbers, this isn’t enabled by default and should be passed as a flag --digits to the command when running
  • special indicating that the string should have special characters, like digits this isn’t enabled by default and should be passed as a flag --special to the command when running.

In order to get the most out of the command, we simply need to:

  • Build the pass-generator.go file into a binary by running go build pass-generator.go
  • Move the pass-generator binary to /usr/local/bin
  • And then run the following command
pass-generator --length 32 --upper --lower --digits --special

Keep in mind that only the --digits and --special flats are required here. But by running the command above the output would be something like


Code #

# pass-generator.go
package main

import (

var (
 length     = flag.Int("length", 12, "Password length")
 useLower   = flag.Bool("lower", true, "Use lowercase letters")
 useUpper   = flag.Bool("upper", true, "Use uppercase letters")
 useDigits  = flag.Bool("digits", false, "Use digits")
 useSpecial = flag.Bool("special", false, "Use special characters")

const (
 lowercase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
 digits    = "0123456789"
 special   = "!@#$%^&*()-_=+,.?/:;{}[]`~"

func generatePassword() string {
 var charset string

 if *useLower {
  charset += lowercase

 if *useUpper {
  charset += uppercase

 if *useDigits {
  charset += digits

 if *useSpecial {
  charset += special

 if charset == "" {
  panic("No character sets selected")

 r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
 password := make([]byte, *length)
 for i := range password {
  password[i] = charset[r.Intn(len(charset))]

 return string(password)

func main() {

 if *length <= 0 {
        fmt.Println("Error: Password length must be greater than 0.")

 if !(*useLower || *useUpper || *useDigits || *useSpecial) {
        fmt.Println("Error: At least one character set must be selected.")
  fmt.Println("Use -h for help.")

 password := generatePassword()